Student Feedback
By Julie Madsen
I missed the day where a student panel from the ELC was asked some questions about what makes a good teacher and what a good teacher should do in some classroom situations. I contacted three students at the ELC and interviewed them to find out their opinions. The three students I interviewed were Rika from Japan, Humberto from Peru and Harike from Korea.
The first question I asked was who their favorite teacher was and why. They all seemed to be pleased with all of their teachers, but one of their favorites was David C. They like him because of the comfortable atmosphere he creates in his classroom. He apparently doesn't rush the students, even when there is a push for time (i.e., the bell is about to ring and he hasn't done everything he wanted to). It was interesting that the students would tune in to the fact that he had more to say and do but was sensitive to the students' needs.
They also commented on classroom rapport. They like teachers that are patient and kind. They also like it when humor is used in teaching. They felt relaxed when their teacher would tell them funny things about American culture. Some of their teachers have taught them jokes in English, which they really enjoyed learning. It seems to make them feel like they are more a part of the culture and "in" on the humor going on around them.
Some other things they feel are important in the classroom environment are a smile, the use of loud, clear speech, clear explanations, fun activities, etc. They also appreciate good visual aides that keep their attention. One of the most important things they think a teacher should keep in mind is a sensitivity to students' mistakes. They feel good when a teacher takes time to help students overcome their mistakes through patient, clear instruction.
Some of the things that are challenges to them include the following:
· teachers speaking too quickly, especially at the end of class when class time is running out
· getting bored when a teacher is answering other students' questions
· textbooks that are difficult to understand
· other students talking out of turn
· teachers not planning well and having to go overtime (not releasing the class at the bell).
Interestingly enough, the students also indicated that the teacher wasn't the only person that should work on problems. The students should share in the responsibility. In conclusion here are some of the other words used in describing a good teacher:
· interesting/fun
· kind
· smiles
· good explanations
· gives synonyms
· always helps
· low pressure/not intimidating
· kind spirit
On line since May, 1996
Last Updated May 1, 2003
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